Saturday 7 September 2013

The Power of Thought

The power of thought I’m writing about, is the irrational thinking of a disturbed mind, mental illness can come in many forms and is not selective of who it possesses.
Possession of this kind is almost boarding on evil, because it can dramatically transform even the mildest of people into a raging uncontrollable monster like Jackal & Hyde in extreme cases.

Confusing the persons mind so much they can no longer tell the difference between real and fantasy, the two are twisted and intertwined by the illness or condition.
Voices are often heard that don’t belong in the real world, whispering poisonous words that spread throughout the brain providing no escape for the poor wretched person is unaware of the change and believes only the unwelcome voices and what they say

Totally unaware of the heartache they are causing for those who care for them, and unable to do anything about the situation even if that person knew they had been affected with a mental disorder
Voices in many cases are accompanied by vision images to strengthen the words or thoughts of the voices, even though the voices are purely imaginary as the possess the power of thought control

What strength these thoughts possess, their spoken words deceive.
They twist and turn my thoughts till I can stand no more
How I long they would relinquish and some kind of peace to achieve
Stop whispering those wicked words; that so poison my mind I do implore

By G.S.Commander website owner 

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